If you are successful in applying for a grant, the offer will be subject to the Charity’s standard terms and conditions of grant. You will be sent a full copy if you are offered a grant.
Our standard terms and conditions include the following:
- Grants from the Charity are restricted funds. They may only be used towards the project and costs outlined in the application submitted to the Charity, or as subsequently agreed in writing.
- A charity will acknowledge in writing using its headed paper receipt of the grant cheque and confirm that the grant will only be spent for the approved purpose.
- Any surplus funds not required for the approved purpose are to be refunded to the Charity unless otherwise agreed with the Trustees of the Charity.
- Any project supported by the Charity must be monitored and evaluated and a report must be sent to the Charity. The report must be submitted within three months of completion of a project, unless an alternative timescale for this has been agreed with the Trustees of the Charity.
- Equipment or other capital assets purchased with a grant from the Charity must not be sold or otherwise disposed of without first obtaining the Charity’s agreement in writing. The Charity reserves the right to require repayment of a proportion of any sale price, depending on the circumstances, timescale and reasons why the items are being sold or disposed of.
- The Charity reserves the right to hold back payment or to reclaim a grant, in whole or part, if a charity breaches these terms and conditions, or it is discovered that false or misleading information has been supplied or the charity becomes insolvent or goes into administration, receivership or liquidation.
- In accepting a grant from the Charity, a charity agrees to the Charity using the name of the charity and the project in its own website and other materials setting out the activities of the Charity.
- Any charity receiving a grant from the Charity will ensure that all necessary permits and licences have been obtained for any project to be funded by the grant and that the project complies with all relevant regulations.
- Where a project or other work to be supported by a grant from the Charity involves working with children or vulnerable adults, the charity receiving the grant must have appropriate safeguarding policies and procedures in place in line with Charity Commission guidance.
- The making of a grant will also be subject to any additional terms and conditions as may be specified by the Trustees.